Current and Completed Post Graduate Research

Completed Doctoral Level Research (2006-17)

Gausden, Caroline (2013-17) Feminist Manifestos and Socially Engaged Practice

Price, Jon (2012-16) The discourse of cultural leadership

Smith, Helen (2011-14) Understanding Change: Connecting Communities through the Arts
AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award with Woodend Barn, Banchory, Aberdeenshire

Buwert, Peter (2011-14) Encouraging Critical Socio-Political Engagement Through Manipulations of Visual Culture

Lacy, Suzanne  (2013) Imperfect Art: Working in Public: A Case Study of the Oakland Projects (1991-2001)

Chu, Chu Yuan (2010-13) The Aesthetics of Negotiation within a Relational Art Practice

Goto-Collins, Reiko (2012) Ecology and Environmental Art in Public Place: Talking Tree: Won’t you take a minute and listen to the plight of nature?

Her, Jiun Jhy. (2011) Engaging Interactivity in Public Space: A phenomenology of digital interactive art

Bourne, Stefanie (2007) Away from end product or genre: a protocol as artistic language. Evolving a critical framework for contemporary visual art practice in the public (or social) realm

Delday, Heather (2006) Close as a construct to critically investigate the relationship between the visual artist and the everyday


Completed Masters of Philosophy/Masters of Research

Barney, Georgina (2011) MPhil Curating the Farm (AHRC funded)

Buwert, Peter (2011) AHRC funded MPhil How can our visual culture be understood to act in favour of a politically effective public?